Access your tax data wherever, whenever

TaxNow takes the hassle out of accessing your tax data, no more relying on your TaxPro or having to interact with the IRS to you know where you stand. With our direct connection to the IRS, you’ll get real-time alerts, instant access to your tax transcripts, and a clear picture of your tax status. Meaning you'll know what the IRS knows.

Tired of listening to elevator music while waiting on hold with the IRS? Us too.

TaxNow is your digital fast pass to the IRS. Get instant access to your IRS account information, historical tax returns, and instant transaction alerts, all in one comprehensive dashboard.

Core Features

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Refund and Payment Tracking

Track your tax refunds effortlessly. Stay informed on IRS processing, know when to expect your funds, and catch any issues before they become problems.
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Identity Theft and Fraud Detection

Stay one step ahead of identity thieves. Detect and address instances of tax identity theft before they lead to further financial losses.
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Predictive Audit Alerts

Stay ahead of IRS audits with TaxNow's predictive alerts. We’ll notify you up to six months in advance, giving you plenty of time to prepare and ensure everything’s in order.