
About TaxNow

TaxNow Was Founded by Tax Professionals Seeking an Alternative Solution

At TaxNow, we firmly believe that all taxpayers should have access to their own tax data. That’s why our user-friendly dashboard and proactive alerting system are designed to enhance the relationship between taxpayers, tax professionals, and the IRS. Our groundbreaking approach facilitates proactive measures aimed at improving the tax preparation experience while also mitigating risk for our users.


At TaxNow, our mission is to offer users a comprehensive tax management solution that empowers them to take control of their tax data. Our TaxNow dashboard provides a streamlined and user-friendly interface, consolidating all your tax information in one location. With our alert system, you’ll never have to worry about missing an important deadline again. TaxNow is committed to providing accurate and reliable tax information and support to help our users make informed decisions and achieve their financial dreams.


TaxNow’s vision is to revolutionize the tax management industry with our cutting-edge platform, which not only simplifies tax management for our users but also transforms how they think about and interact with their tax data. Through continuous innovation and investment in emerging technologies, TaxNow aims to create a future where tax management is seamless, intuitive, and empowering for all.


We believe that everyone is entitled to easy access to their tax information. That's why TaxNow is designed with a user-friendly interface, ensuring that individuals and businesses of all background can navigate our platform effortlessly. We aim to make tax monitoring accessible to everyone, regardless of their financial knowledge or technological proficiency